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Why International Students Choose GBCtechtraining for their Technical Training?


Do you want to earn a Canadian credential to add to your list of technical qualifications? We know students from all over the world consider studying at a Canadian college or university because of Canada’s excellent reputation and because the degrees, diplomas and certificates are highly respected globally.

George Brown College, has a long history in the delivery of courses and programs though distance education. We are the third largest provider of distance education courses in North America. With almost 10% of our GBCtechtraining students living in 47 countries around the world, George Brown College proudly welcomes the world to our online technical Certificate programs.

Keep reading to learn why our international students chose our Automation, Electronics, Electromechanical, PLC and Robotics programs;


• George Brown College is a fully-accredited post-secondary institution operating under the authority of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development in the Province of Ontario. And the online technical certificate programs are credit bearing which means you can continue your education towards a diploma or degree.

• The content of our programs is not affected by geography, that is, the concepts, theories and formulas are relevant whether you live in Canada, Germany or Japan. For example OHM’S Law is used to calculate the relationship between voltage, current and resistance in an electrical circuit worldwide. And while there are regional difference, like predominant usage of the Siemens PLC platform in Europe versus Allen Bradley in North America these automation tools work in very similar ways and are based in common principles.

• The foundation of our programs are the simulation software which converts your computer into a virtual PLC, Robot or electronics lab.  Using simulation tools is a powerful way to bridge the gap between theoretical learning and practical usage which imitates a “hands on” experience that simulates the behavior of real world tools and systems. For example, with CircuitLogix, you have the freedom to try all the "what-if" scenarios - changing parts or component values, then re-running the simulation to see how the changes affect the circuit's operation and performance.

• The curriculum is available on a USB or DVD with additional resources online so it is very simple for anyone, anywhere, to register and successfully complete the program. This format makes it easy to study at you own pace, in your home and take final exams when it is convenient to you.


• Our Certificate programs offer an affordable way to continue your education that fit a modest budget, especially when compared to traditionally higher education options, that can be can be very expensive.

Tuition Fee Comparison of GBC Technical Certificate to Other Programs*

Tuition Fee Comparison
*This chart compares the tuition cost of the Electronics Technician Certificate from GBC to the Electronics Engineering Technician Diploma at Conestoga College and the Engineering degree at University of Toronto for an International student.

*This chart compares the tuition cost of the Electronics Technician Certificate from GBC to the Electronics Engineering Technician Diploma at Conestoga College and the Engineering degree at University of Toronto for an International student.

• Our programs are offered entirely by distance education so you never have to physically attend the college. That means you don’t have to pay for travel, rent, food and other expenses which can greatly contribute to the overall high cost of education.


• Receive technical and tutorial support from our Support Consultants by phone, email or through our online forums. So it is very simple for anyone, anywhere regardless of your time zone to get the help they need when they need it.

Study permit

• Most foreign nationals need a study permit to study in Canada. To register and study in our programs, however, you don’t need to travel to Canada or complete all the lengthy paperwork for a study permit.

For international students our online technical training certificates represent an exciting pathway to further their education in the comfort of their own home. If you have any questions, please contact our Program Consultants at

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