Online Technical Training Blog

Industrial technician

How a Technical Certificate can Complement Your University Degree


With technological developments happening all around us, newly graduated engineers or those who have been in the workforce for quite some time may find it difficult to stay competitive and on-trend within the current field. According to a recent survey conducted by PEW Research Centre, a majority of American employees’ state that they will need continuous learning and training to stay up-to-date with all the changes occurring.

And while university degrees provide a strong theoretical foundation, Certificate programs are a great way to boost your knowledge and allows for you to become an industry expert. Certificates are awarded by an educational institution and the content of the program is developed with specific learning outcomes set to meet the industry needs. The purpose of a certificate program is to broaden your knowledge and recognition for a specified area of practice or a set of skills.

Theoretical and practical applications

By obtaining background knowledge in both theory and practical application, it can give you a competitive edge to undertake a career change or to get a promotion. George Brown College’s online technical training Certificate programs will provide you with both theory and practical application. Simulation software is fully-integrated within the programs material enabling students to deal with real-life manufacturing tools and systems within a safe and controlled environment. The goal of programs is to provide our students with the right set of knowledge and skill sets to further enhance their careers and stay updated with all the technological changes.

For example, the Robotics Technician Certificate program incorporates theory and the simulation software “RoboLogix”, where it converts the students’ computer into a virtual industrial robot. The simulation software helps students learn the practical side of programming by allowing students to teach, test, run, and de-bug programs that they have written themselves using a five-axis industrial robot. With RoboLogix, students can run the simulator to test and visually examine the performance of the robot programs and control algorithms, while plotting instantaneous joint accelerations, velocities and positions.

 “Ca­­ndidates who demonstrate that they’re conscientious about their personal development are likely to be seen as highly motivated and engaged. Their openness to learning also suggests they’re flexible, adaptable and will bring a continuous improvement to the workplace.” – The Guardian

According to Enable Education, at some point in a student professional career, they will not be recognized solely for what they know, but for the understanding and practice that they can demonstrate. 

Contact us if you want to learn more about our online technical training certificate programs, our Student Support Centre will be more than happy to help you take the first step in your technical training. Our toll-free number is 1-888-553-5333.