4 Ways to Keep Up to Date with the Technology Changes in the Manufacturing Industry

Keeping up with the technology changes in the manufacturing/industrial industry is important to stay relevant in your job/career. With the world changing so quickly, it’s always a good idea to stay in the loop and know what the current and future trends are, and take advantage of opportunities to grow. But how can one keep up with the industry?

Below are 4 ways to stay up to date:

Self-Driving Vehicles in Smart Factories

Autonomous vehicles, once relegated to works of science fiction and, more recently, among the technologies that “weren’t quite there yet”, are actually becoming a much more common sight – and not just on the test tracks used by large auto manufacturers. Autonomous, self-driving vehicles are quickly making themselves a fixture of the smart factory floor in a way that is revolutionizing operations.

AI Adoption In Industrial Manufacturing

To the general public, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) is an aspect of science that lives on the periphery of our understanding. For most of us, what little we do know of it was learned through the lens of a Hollywood director; so it might surprise you to learn that the idea behind AI is not a new one – in fact, the ancient Greeks and Egyptians are among the earliest societies that postulated on the subjects of robots and automatons. Of course, these largely remained myths until the mid-twentieth century when science was finally able to breathe “life” into AI.

3 Tips to Create a Stress-Free Environment

Your home should be a stress-free environment. But living through a pandemic and the rules associated with it, can be more challenging especially since work and school are now more closely integrated in your home. If you’re working from home, attending online school from home, and managing a family, you may find that juggling all the different parts can be stressful. We often don’t realize that the line between work, study and personal time can get blurred; and to some extent the pandemic has made it more difficult to find that healthy balance between work, school and play.

What Can You Do to Increase Your Odds of Success?

Did you know that typically only about 40% of students actually complete their college certificate or degree, (after a period of 6 years)?[1] That’s a stat that most schools aren’t too comfortable talking about but the reality is that getting through a postsecondary program is really a tough challenge. And I’ll add that distance education, self-paced learning programs, like ours, are typically even lower.

System Requirements for GBC Technical Training Certificate Programs

System Requirements for GBC Technical Training Certificate Programs


If you’re considering taking one of our online technical training certificate programs, maybe you’ve been wondering what kind of a computer you need to install our program curriculum and simulation software.

Luckily, the system requirements are modest, so most computers will meet them.

The three system requirements are:

Reimagining the Manufacturing Industry After COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic is creating new challenges for the manufacturing industry. Research by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), estimates that the COVID-19 outbreak could cause global Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to shrink by 5%-15%, due to the downfall in the manufacturing sector. Across the globe, automobile, chemical, electronics, and aircraft manufacturers are facing shutdowns and inaccessibility of raw materials.

Understanding the Different Levels of Automation

As automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics improve, it may be increasingly tempting to employ automatic means to accomplish industry goals. The degree to which a task is automated is referred to as levels of automation (LOA). Below is an overview of the 10 different LOA.

Level 1

The human operator performs the task and turns it over to the computer to implement.

Skills AT Students Gain with the GBC Automation Certificate Program

If you’re considering a career in automation, you must already know that you’ll be working on a wide range of control systems, from simple fuses and motors to sophisticated electronic computer interface boards, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), robotics and much more. Our Automation Technician program covers the content of Electromechanical systems, PLCs, Robotics, Automation controls and the core principles and operations of an automated system.